Appearance in email templates

Appearance in email templates

Appearance in email templates

Customizations made easy

Appearance is a side panel menu tab that gives you access to important design and layout settings. Add colors, format text, create mobile-friendly responsive designs, and more.

tinyEmail edit templates

General settings

Message width

  • Customize the width of email messages. The default is 600 px, which is our recommended maximum size. The min-max range is 320 px to 900 px. 

Default padding

  • Any changes you make to the padding affect the new structures you place on the canvas. Structures already on the canvas are not changed. 

Font and Line spacing

  • Change the typeface for all text in the template. Adjust line spacing for the entire template or text in a single structure. 

Paragraph bottom space

  • Switch on the toggle to automatically insert a space at the end of a paragraph. 

Underline links

  • Switch off the toggle to remove the line that sits under text with a link.  


  • Enable this toggle to display text (like Hebrew or Arabic) that reads from right to left. 

Responsive design

  • When enabled, email messages are automatically adjusted to the reader's device. When disabled, the mobile version of content looks like a desktop, though it may not render as well. 

Background image

  • Switch on the toggle to place a background image. Note that some email clients do not display background images. 


Expand the Stripes folder to customize the font size and color of Normal text. You can also set the background color and link color. 


Expand this folder to configure H1, H2, and H3 settings. Customize font size, color, and line spacing. You can also add styling (bold and italics). 


The first two toggles control button display. Switch on the first toggle to activate a highlight when a mouse hovers the button. The second toggle optimizes the button shape (radius setting, see below) for readers using Outlook by inserting a special VML-code element.

tinyEmail edit template buttons

Scroll down the panel to configure button color and button text color. You can also customize colors when a mouse hovers the button. The next two rows control the font size of button text and button radius.

Next, customize the button border. Change border thickness and color. Switch on the toggle to customize the button border in a hover state. Finally, customize button padding.  

Mobile Formatting

Expand this folder to access features that configure the email display on mobile devices. Customize font size for every section with text, including headers and body content.  

You can also customize button text, enable button full-width display, and set mobile-friendly margins.

Wrap up

That's it. The Appearance tab has all the essential tools you need to build beautiful and responsive email templates.

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