Create and Send Email Campaigns

Create and Send Email Campaigns

Create and Send Email Campaigns
They're easy and intuitive

Creating and sending tinyEmail campaigns is easy. Let me show you the whole process from start to finish. That should take about two minutes.

Entering the email campaign creation workflow

From your dashboard, click the Create campaign button. The new email campaign workflow displays.

create an email campaign with tinyEmail

Selecting the campaign and design tool

Click Email campaign. SMS campaign is under development.

fill in the fields to create a campaign message

Filling in the campaign details

Add important campaign details and then click Save.

fill in the fields to create a campaign message

  • Campaign name - A unique and descriptive name.

  • Subject - This is the subject line of your email.

  • Preview text - A short message that displays below the subject line in your subscriber's inbox. Learn how to optimize this field.

  • Sender Email - The address of the person sending this email. Read the guide on setting up sender identities for more details.

Customizing the sender name is easy!

When you select a sender email, tinyEmail auto-fills the Name field with a suggestion. Keep the suggested name or clear the field and type a different name.

If you select a sender email that does not have a DKIM, a confirmation popup displays. You're prompted to read about the DKIM process and sign a DKIM. You can proceed without a DKIM. We've worked out a temporary solution to help ensure your email gets delivered, but that's not a long-term solution. Do yourself a favour and authenticate your sending domain.

sign a DKIM to avoid the spam folder

When you're done, click Save and Continue.

Selecting a design tool and template

Choose an email design tool—Drag & drop or Custom code. For this guide, we choose the Drag & drop option.

Select an email template or create one from scratch. We covered design details in a different article. Click here and here to learn more.

There are several template types.

  • Saved - Templates you have designed before and saved to your template library.

  • Staff picks - Our selection of the best templates.

  • Branded - Templates tailored to your business based on your Brand Kit.

  • Basic - Big building blocks for any email design.

  • Library - A growing collection of stunning pre-designed templates.

Designing your email

Use the tinyEmail drag-and-drop editor to add content blocks to your email. You can add interactive components, as well as visual and text elements. After you finish creating the template, click Continue.

  • Optionally, you can send a test message to see how it looks. Click here to learn more.

tinyEmail periodically saves your work. Click the clock icon beside your template name to see a version history and restore to any saved version.

design a tinyEmail campaign template

Selecting an audience

Define the audience that will receive this message. You can see previously added audiences on this page. Select one and click Continue or add a new audience.

You can also select a segment. We have prebuilt or custom segments. They're powerful tools to help you tailor a message for a specific group. For instance, you could send a personalized message to new signups or the readers who clicked a link in your last campaign.

select a campaign audience

Reviewing campaign details

This is the launch Go/no go checklist. Review the campaign details and make final changes, if required. You can review all the critical parameters of your email campaign.

  • Details - Campaign name, date, and time of the creation.

  • Sender - The person sending the email.

  • Design - The template and edits you made to your content.

  • Audience - who you are sending your campaign to

  • Auto-tracking - Where we automatically append UTM parameters to your campaign links and track campaign clicks.

  • Schedule - If the campaign is scheduled to be sent later, the future date and time of the send.

To schedule a send, click the Setup button on the Schedule row. You can also click the Send button and select Schedule.

schedule a campaign message or edit settings

Pick a date and time to send the campaign, and then click the Schedule button.

schedule a campaign blast time and date

Confirming details

This page shows your campaign status if you choose to send it right away. If scheduled, the page shows the selected date and time.

a tinyEmail campaign in the queue

If you schedule a campaign, you can edit the message before it is sent.

  1. Go to the side menu, click Campaigns, and then click the Scheduled tab.

  2. Locate the scheduled campaign.

  3. Click the three-dot icon and then select Edit. The template opens in the editor.

edit a scheduled campaign

That's it.

Now you know how to create and send (or schedule) a tinyEmail campaign.

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