Customize the general settings of your email template.

Customize the general settings of your email template.

Customize the general settings of your email template.

Say hello to the world's most powerful and intuitive email editor. Here's how to create stunning emails on tinyEmail

Do not throw away the manual! We at tinyEmail are a big believer in eliminating repeat work so we can have more time for creativity. The General Settings of any tinyEmail template are at the same time enormously useful and ridiculously simple to set up. What it does, is give your overall email message a consistent look without you having to style every single element and content section individually. Now are talking!  

Let's start with creating a new template. Follow the How to create a new email template. Once you have created a template, we can go over the rest of this guide. 

Some quick items:

Pick the Drag & Drop Editor option when you start a new template. And give your template an easy to recognize name.

1. General settings — where you set up a perfect canvas

The general settings section under the appearance tab is what we call a major lifesaver. This is where you can set up the general appearance of your message and has a number of hidden gems that can save you a lot time and simplify the creative process. Let's take a look. 

Here you can set the global settings for your message fonts, colours for you different message elements, buttons, width and background of your email and paddings. By default, every email message designed in tinyEmail is responsive. You may however (not recommended) choose to disable this feature if you do not want columns to stack themselves on mobile devices.

A word about fonts:

Note that you can choose from over 100 Google Fonts in your emails. 

It is important to note, however, that not all email clients can render these fonts. If an email client doesn't support a non-standard font, a similar standard font will be used instead. It is generally safer to use one of the standard web-safe fonts.

Advanced mobile formatting:

tinyEmail gives you granular control over exactly how you want your emails to look on mobile devices. No more guesswork and endlessly sending emails to yourself just so you can open them on your phone. You can set width, padding, button formats, content margins and a lot more. Expand the Mobile Formatting section to edit these. 

Customizing your buttons:

You can customize your buttons to look and behave exactly how you want them. Set the visual look once and all your buttons across your entire email will look the same. You can of course choose to override the default button look by editing individual button settings while designing the email.

2. Magical thing called Stripes

In tinyEmail, you can set much more than fonts, buttons and general layouts of your email. Introducing stripes — a whole new way of segmenting your email content into groups that should look a certain way. You headers, mail content section and footers typically always have a set consistency. We make it super easy to set the default states of these content stripes

With Stripes, you can set the visual styling of four core components of your email:

  1. Header
  2. Content
  3. Footer and
  4. Info area

When you add new structures to your email, you can pick which type of stripe it is and the entire structure will take on the styling you set for that stripe. 

— the different stripes possible

— setting styles for different stripes.

3. Setting up your headings

Your content headings have their own special place within the general settings of an email template. Here, you can set the default styling for your H1, H2 and H3 tagged headings. You can set the font, line spacing, font weight and style as well as unique colours for your headings. 

That's it. You have set up the general style and behaviour of your email template. We can now go on to creating a full email design without having to start from scratch or individually edit every content block or element.

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