Customizing Automation Templates

Customizing Automation Templates

Customizing Automation Templates

Request a template customization

tinyEmail is guided by two basic principles: streamline the email marketing experience and make life easier for our users. That's why we've introduced a new template customization service. 

I think we've got a pretty decent collection of automation templates. Our users agree, but they want something more: they want to add a personal touch. They want to customize the automations.

Now, we don't currently have an in-app feature that can update automation templates. But, we've got a workaround. 

tinyEmail automation templates

Why Can't I Customize Automation Templates? 

Our automation templates are designed by experts to save the user (qua you) time while maximizing delivery rates and open rates. If every user could change every template, I'd bet my last dollar that we'd be flooded with support requests and complaints about delivery and quality. A few people might even get angry. So, like the paradox of happiness, the more we try to make customers happy, the more we achieve the exact opposite result. 

A Workaround: The Support Request Channel 

We created a workaround that balances customization and automation. It's called the support request channel. If you really want to tweak an automation template, we'll do it for you. Just follow these steps:

  1. Send a request - Send us a customization request in a chat message or email.
  2. Describe your needs - Tell us what you want to tweak or customize in the automation template. Be specific. The more details, the better.
  3. Sit back and relax - Once we receive your request, an on-call expert will take a look. They'll review your request and, if possible, create a tailored solution. We usually complete a request on 1 to 2 days
  4. Stay in the loop - We'll keep you updated. You won't be left in the dark, wondering when your customization will be ready.
  5. Enjoy your customized automation - VoilĂ ! Our team will deploy your customized automation template.

A friendly reminder 

tinyEmail automation templates are designed for efficiency, so, consider how your customizations might impact email communication. Sometimes, a little tweak can go a long way.

We're here to help. If you have any questions or need guidance, drop us a line. I'm excited to see how you'll jazz up your email automation!

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