How to Send Test Emails

How to Send Test Emails

How to Send Test Emails

Preview messages before going live

"I do my best editing after I hit send."

Testing is vital to your campaign's success and ego. Let's face it, few things can deflate one's sense of professional pride more than finding an error or omission after sending out an email blast.

In this article, I show you how to send test emails. Now, just to make sure we're on the same page, I'm not talking about Previewing a template. That's different. I'm talking about sending a draft campaign to one or more test email addresses so you can review the content and display on one or more email clients and devices.

Testing a campaign

You can send a test email from two different pages.

On the Design page

  1. Log in to your tinyEmail account and click Campaigns on the side menu.
  2. Open a campaign and click the Design tab at the top of the screen.
  3. Click Send test

tinyEmail send test email

In the popup window, enter one or more email addresses. Be sure to insert a comma and space between each address. Click Send test and review the results.

tinyEmail send test email enter addresses

On the Schedule page 

Click the Send test link and then enter the test emails (same as above).

tinyEmail click send test email button

Testing limits

I'm a little sad to point this out, but we need to limit the number of test messages. This limit helps us protect you (our customer) and our system from really bad actors (i.e. phishing). 

The limits are as follows (per user):

  • send a maximum of 5 test messages per campaign 
  • send a maximum of 15 test messages per day

Here's some good news, though. Test messages do not count toward subscription usage limits. 

Even better news. If you are building a special campaign and need to send way more test messages, tinyEmail can increase account limits in unique circumstances. 

Send us a message at with a request and a description of what you need. 

That's it.

Happy testing.

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