How to Set up Email Automation for Shopify

How to Set up Email Automation for Shopify

How to Set up Email Automation for Shopify

Take your inbound marketing to the next level

Great news for Shopify store owners!

tinyEmail has a (growing) library of automations that can streamline important engagements with your store visitors and customers. Use these automations to build customer rapport, generate traffic, and increase conversions.  

Version 2 release

Five email automations are ready to use. More are on the way!

In this article, I show you how to:

  • install the app on your Shopify store
  • preview and enable a tinyEmail automation
  • use the Thank you for Purchase and Abandoned Cart templates

Click here to learn about the other active automations.

tinyEmail automation messages for a Shopify store

Installing the app

First, install the tinyEmail app on your Shopify store. If the app is already installed, skip down to the next step.

Log in and click Automations on the side menu. The new page displays the current template options.

list of tinyEmail automations

Previewing the message

Select an automation and click Preview to see how the message displays (desktop and mobile devices). All templates come pre-formatted, so the design and layout are fixed -- for now. Down the road, we'll add customization options.

tinyEmail collects brand and order information (product images and text). Then it dynamically loads that content into the message templates by replacing the placeholders.

Thank You For Purchase

One hour after a customer completes a store purchase, tinyEmail automatically sends a warm and gracious message to say thanks.

parts of the tinyEmail thank for purchase automation

Abandoned Cart

tinyEmail automatically sends this message to every store visitor who starts - but does not complete - a purchase. Our default setting sends a message four hours after the visitor abandons your store cart.

parts of the tinyEmail thank you for purchase  automation

Enabling automations

The default setting for each automated message is off. Switch on the toggle to enable the emails. To disable an automation, switch off the toggle. When disabled, you see the word Activate.

parts of the tinyEmail abandoned cart automation

That's it. 

I'm excited about these automations and how they might help you achieve more Shopify success. 

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