Import Subscribers Manually

Import Subscribers Manually

Import Subscribers Manually

Build your audience with AI support

Manual data imports just got a lot less manual. Our AI-assisted import tool automatically matches labels and detects errors. This must-try time saver is an essential tool if you have a small number of records to import into a new or existing tinyEmail audience.

A different article shows you how to add a large number of subscriber records to a new or existing audience using a bulk import tool. Click here to learn more.


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  1. Uploading records to a new audience
  2. Adding records to an existing audience

Uploading records to a new audience

This step shows you how to manually add records to a new audience. 

Go to the tinyEmail dashboard and click Audience on the side menu. Click the Add new button and select Upload file

tinyEmail add subscribers manually

In the popup window:

  1. Enter a unique name for the new audience. 
  2. Check the box to confirm that you have permission to send these contact email messages. 
  3. Click Continue.

tinyEmail add subscribers to an audience

Creating records

On the next page, scroll down to the grey table. Add one record to each row. The Email field is the only required field. The other fields are optional. When your data values are formatted properly, the AI displays the All rows pass validation! message.

tinyEmail enter subscriber email

  • If there is a data error, the AI highlights the cell. Hover the mouse on the cell to see the error and fix it.

tinyEmail check for subscriber errors

Uploading the records

When the table rows are error-free, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the Upload button.

After the upload completes, tinyEmail displays the audience page. That page lists the subscribers and shows engagement data once you start using the audience. Optionally, click a three-dot icon to edit, remove, or unsubscribe a record.

tinyEmail verify subscribers

Adding records to an existing audience

You can add subscribers to an existing Manual audience. Make sure the audience row has a three-dot icon. 

You can't add subscribers to an audience that has the Integration tag.

  1. Open the Audience page.
  2. Locate an audience and click the three-dot icon.
  3. Select Add Subscribers.

tinyEmail add subscribers to an existing audience

The Bulk Add Customers page displays. Now, you can add subscribers manually (as described above) or in bulk