Shopify Store FAQs

Shopify Store FAQs

Shopify Store FAQs

Learn why tinyEmail is a such a good fit for Shopify stores

Are you a Shopify store owner looking for a better email solution? If yes, you might be curious about tinyEmail. Let me save you time by tackling some of the most common questions we get from store owners searching for a better email tool.

1. What is tinyEmail, and how is it different from the others?

tinyEmail was created by marketers and business owners who were a bit frustrated by the available email options. We felt the current generation of marketing tools lacked an intuitive flow, were rather pricy, and came with a steep learning curve. tinyEmail was designed from the ground up to help store owners go from zero to email marketing success in the fastest time possible.  

tinyEmail integrates with your Shopify store. 

  • You can run email marketing campaigns without ever leaving your Shopify store. There's no need to mess around with third-party apps that run in a separate browser tab. This is a massive time-saver.

tinyEmail automatically fetches your brand. 

  • We auto-detect your brand style and then tailor templates and content modules to your style. That handy feature saves you time and money.

Plug & Play automations. 

  • We believe automations should be automatic. If building an automation takes a few days and the help of a data scientist, where's the saving? Our plug-and-play approach lets you enable pre-built automations with a click.

tinyEmail automation messages for a Shopify store

Need data? Check out these side-by-side comparisons. They compare tinyEmail with MailChimp. The other guide compares our app with the Shopify app and Klaviyo.

2. I have a new Shopify store. How can tinyEmail help me?

After opening a new store, time to market, the cost of everything, and supercharging audience growth are all critical. tinyEmail helps you start with an economical pricing structure that starts at free. Our easy-to-deploy forms, fly-ins, and popups help grow your audience by capturing opt-in leads. We've got hundreds of stunning email templates, so sending out your first campaign is fast and effortless.

3. I have an established business. How can tinyEmail help me?

We've built seriously powerful dynamic content, interactive email capabilities, seamless personalization, and automation features that generate incredible ROI.

Dynamic and interactive emails.  

  • Add interactive components to your emails (e.g. countdown timers and dynamic product cards) and AMP modules (e.g. forms and videos within the email and expiring coupons).

Powerful data-driven personalization. 

  • Pre-built and custom segments based on subscriber data such as LTV, past purchased product, purchase amount, last purchased date, and more.

Plans that work for you. 

  • Pay for the volume of email messaging you need and not the number of contacts in your list. Our plans help you manage costs and build an audience at the same time.

4. Can I easily migrate to tinyEmail?

We have built one-click migration tools for many popular email marketing tools like Mailchimp. These tools import all your subscribers automatically. Does your store and subscriber information reside in Shopify? Our powerful integration brings in all that data automatically. 

5. How does tinyEmail integrate with my Shopify store?

tinyEmail integrates natively with Shopify using the latest API. This ensures all your store data, purchase information, subscribers, and customers are automatically synced periodically. All the data you need to successfully market to your audience is always ready for you. 

6. What kind of store data can tinyEmail use for personalized marketing?

You can personalize marketing campaigns using purchase information, abandon cart information, subscriber data (e.g. location), date subscribed, and any custom information you collected. 

7. How much does tinyEmail cost?

tinyEmail's Shopify Pro Plan is really quite special. And free for Shopify merchants. The plan is packed with snazzy Pro features like these:

  • Unlimited subscribers
  • Unlimited custom segments
  • AI subject line assistant
  • And much more

get the tinyEmail app for Shopify stores

8. Can I automate my emails?

Yes, tinyEmail comes with a pre-built automation series that includes abandoned cart, thank you, and welcome, browser abandonment, and more.

9. What about support? 

Every tinyEmail customer, no matter what plan they are on, gets access to 24/7 support.

10. I'm ready. How do I start? 

Add the tinyEmail app from the Shopify app store to get started and use tinyEmail inside the Shopify interface. Alternatively, head over to tinyEmail signup to create a new account.

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